April 18, 2024

Webflow vs Bubble: Comparison of Both No-code Tools in 2024

Compare Webflow vs Bubble, the top no-code platforms for building web apps in 2024. Find the perfect development platform for your needs.

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As a seasoned Webflow expert, I embarked on a journey to explore the much-discussed Bubble.io, driven by my extensive no-code knowledge and skills honed through Webflow. My curiosity led me to a comprehensive comparison of these two powerful no-code tools. In this evaluation,

I aim to provide an honest assessment, drawing upon my expertise in Webflow, to help you make an informed decision. By delving into the nuances of both platforms, I'll guide you toward the option that aligns best with your specific requirements, ensuring you can harness the full potential of no-code development for your projects.

Before delving into the finer details across various key aspects, I'll explore the user interface, pricing structures, integrations, templates, SEO and AI capabilities, available resources, and customer support of Webflow and Bubble.io.

But first, let's start with a TLDR summary that summarizes the essence of these two services. Join me as we uncover the nuances and complexities of these no-code platforms, providing a thorough comparison to assist you in finding the perfect fit for your projects.

Presenting my picks for the 2024 showdown between Webflow vs Bubble a Comparison of Both No-code Tools in 2024. If you're on the lookout for the ideal toolkit to enhance your website and craving an in-depth blog experience, you've landed at the perfect destination.

Webflow vs Bubble: Comparison of Both No-code Tools in 2024

  1. What Is Webflow?
  2. What Is Bubble?
  3. Webflow vs Bubble : An Express Evaluation
  4. User-Friendliness and Interface Insights
  5. Comparison of Bubble and Webflow Pricing Structures
  6. Apps & Integrations Accessible.
  7. Comparing SEO Capabilities

1. What Is Webflow?

Webflow stands as a platform for web design and development, enabling users to fashion responsive websites, including e-commerce stores, all without the need for coding expertise.

  • The platform boasts a visual interface tailored for both design and seamless custom code integration.
  • Additionally, Webflow extends its capabilities to include hosting, e-commerce support, and tools for incorporating interactive elements and animations.

With its versatility, Webflow addresses a diverse user base, accommodating everyone from novices to seasoned designers and developers. Its notable strength lies in its ability to bridge the gap between design and development, making it a preferred choice across the spectrum of expertise.

What Is Webflow
What Is Webflow

2. What Is Bubble?

Bubble serves as a no-code platform honing in on web application development and the creation of dynamic websites.

Users harness its power to craft applications driven by databases, complete with functionalities like user authentication, intricate workflows, and sophisticated logic, all achievable without the need for conventional coding skills.

It caters to individuals seeking to construct interactive, data-focused web apps, all without delving into code writing.

Through its array of visual development tools and robust integrations with third-party services, Bubble places emphasis on functionality over design, providing a playground for those focused on building feature-rich, data-centric applications.

What Is Bubble
What Is Bubble

3. Webflow vs Bubble : An Express Evaluation

While Webflow and Framer share similarities in their service offerings, Webflow and Bubble diverge in their purposes. Here's a brief breakdown highlighting their differences and what each platform brings to the table.


  • Design and Development Focus: Webflow excels in website creation, offering a visual interface tailored for designing various sites, including e-commerce platforms.
  • Ideal for Designers: Catering to those seeking design control, it's accessible to both beginners and seasoned developers.
  • Custom Code Capabilities: Users have the flexibility to incorporate their own code when necessary.
  • E-commerce Support: Suited for crafting online stores complete with essential features like shopping carts and seamless payment processing.
  • Hosting Services: Webflow provides hosting solutions, allowing users to directly deploy their websites on their servers.


  • Web applications: Bubble specializes in crafting web applications, empowering users to develop database-centric applications featuring user accounts, intricate workflows, and sophisticated logic.
  • Data management: Renowned for its adeptness in handling data, Bubble excels in applications involving user-generated content and interactions.
  • No-code approach: Tailored for individuals steering clear of coding, Bubble enables the creation of intricate functionalities without any coding requirement.
  • Integrations: Offering seamless connectivity with third-party services and APIs, Bubble facilitates the incorporation of external tools and data into your application.
  • Functionality emphasis: While design customization is possible, Bubble places a premium on functionality, prioritizing robust features over intricate design elements.

still an intersection between the two services. While Webflow primarily concentrates on websites, it's capable of building web apps. As seasoned Webflow experts, we developed our Six Star app—an internal tool for project management and customer relationships. Webflow harnesses data and integrations similarly to how Bubble can engage designers for visual project aspects.

In essence:

Opt for Bubble when building a web app. Choose Webflow for crafting websites.

Webflow vs Bubble
Webflow vs Bubble

4. User-Friendliness and Interface Insights

In the world of no-code, not knowing how to code isn't a direct shortcut. Understanding the underlying logic and thinking algorithmic is still essential in creation.

Speaking of Bubble and Webflow, neither platform is a walk in the park. While Webflow might seem straightforward for crafting single-page sites or basic setups for individuals and small enterprises, delving into complex projects demands a learning curve.

Webflow's primary tool, the Webflow Designer, encompasses everything from design to development and upkeep of your website.

On the flip side, the Webflow Editor allows direct on-site content editing and management of CMS items by adding "?edit" to your site's URL.

User-Friendliness and Interface Insights
User-Friendliness and Interface Insights

Let's explore the left-side menus in both Webflow Designer & Bubble to delve into their user interfaces and provide an insight into what each offers.

Webflow Designer menu breakdown:

  • Add Element: Effortlessly include diverse web page elements like text, images, buttons, and forms.
  • Components: Create and reuse design elements consistently across multiple pages.
  • Navigator: Hierarchical overview for organizing and selecting elements.
  • Pages: Manage individual page designs, including interactions and transitions.
  • CMS: Construct and oversee dynamic content such as blog posts, products, and templates.
  • Logic: Set up user interactions and workflows based on events and actions.
  • Users: Manage user authentication, registration, and access control.
  • E-commerce: Handle products, shopping carts, and online store payment processing.
  • Apps: Integrate third-party services for extending website functionality.
  • Assets: Upload and manage media files like images, videos, and documents.
  • Settings: Configure project settings covering SEO, custom code, and domains.
  • Site Activity: Track project changes and actions for team collaboration and monitoring.

My initial impression of the Bubble interface was a bit disorienting; it took some time to adapt. Designing felt more intuitive, yet embracing a developer mindset was essential to navigate this tool comfortably.

I appreciated the app assistant feature in Bubble, especially for newcomers, streamlining the app-building process through simple queries and color adjustments.

The underlying message is clear: streamline design essentials swiftly to dive into actual app development.

Streamline design
Streamline design

The sheer range of design options available within this development tool caught me off guard. It was a delightful addition to find features catering to responsive design as well.


Here's an analysis of the main options found in the left menu:


In Bubble's Design section, you wield visual control over your web application's user interface. It's the canvas for arranging elements like text, buttons, and forms—defining the overall look and user experience of your app's front end.


The Workflows section, you sculpt the logic and functionality of your web application. These workflows dictate the actions triggered by user interactions—such as defining what occurs when a button is clicked, data is submitted, or a user logs in.


The Data section serves as the hub for managing your application's database. Here, you create data types, outline fields, and input records—an integral step in organizing and storing essential information like user profiles, content, or product data.


Styles are your tool for maintaining a cohesive visual identity throughout your app. You can personalize elements, from fonts to colors and spacing, ensuring a harmonious and appealing design across your application.


Bubble's Plugins section presents a variety of add-ons to enhance your app's functionality. Here, you can explore, install, and manage these pre-built extensions, which streamline integration with third-party services, introduce advanced features, or amplify the user experience.


The Settings section is the control center for configuring various aspects of your Bubble project. It encompasses privacy rules, domain settings, API keys, and other global configurations that influence your app's operations.


Logs compile a history of your app's activities and user actions. Monitoring logs assists in troubleshooting, tracking user interactions, and gaining insights into your app's performance—particularly beneficial for debugging and refining functionality.

5. Comparison of Bubble and Webflow Pricing Structures

Webflow and Bubble offer free plans, albeit with different limitations and constraints. Despite these boundaries, they provide ample resources to kickstart your journey and familiarize yourself with these tools. Let's delve into a brief overview of these free offerings.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow pricing is complex. It’s divided into two big groups of plans, one for people who want to build and host a site and the other for in-house teams, freelancers, and agencies. If you’re on your own, you can get away with the lowest hosting (site) plan, which costs $14 a month.

If you want to use the workspaces along with their various collaborative features, you’ll need to consider using one of the workspace plans besides the hosting package.

 Webflow Pricing Structures
Webflow Pricing Structures

Bubble Pricing

At first glance, I assumed Bubble's pricing plan was more straightforward compared to Webflow's. However, I found out otherwise.

Bubble's initial plan breakdown includes:

  • Free
  • Starter
  • Growth
  • Team
  • Custom
Bubble Pricing
Bubble Pricing

Plans offers distinct features, and it's crucial to carefully assess which aligns best with your project's size. A noteworthy observation is that the more expensive plans provide a greater number of app editors, fostering collaborative work.

For instance, opting for the Team plan allows you to have 5 app editors, a notable increase from the free version, which only allows a single app editor.

Significant factor is the monthly workload units. While the exact meaning may not be clear, it serves as a metric for gauging how much computational power your app requires from Bubble.

The free plan permits 50k monthly workload units, while the Team plan offers a substantial 10x increase.

In the event that your app surpasses these allocated units, it's worth noting that additional workload units can be purchased as needed.

Additional workload
Additional workload

6. Apps & Integrations Accessible

Referring to available apps and Webflow integrations, I'm considering anything added externally to the primary tools, and both Webflow and Bubble offer an array of these options. Let's begin with Webflow.

Currently, Webflow accommodates hundreds of integrations, linking to popular services like HubSpot, Shopify, Stripe, Mailchimp, and many others. Most of these connections are user-friendly to set up, yet leveraging them for more intricate functionalities within Webflow might necessitate coding skills and a deep understanding of the integrated service.

Continually enhancing their services, Webflow actively introduces new methods, including in-house and third-party apps. Take, for instance, the new Apps section, where users can explore a variety of apps categorized under:

Content management, Content design, Customer service, Customer engagement, Development, Security, E-commerce, Booking, Marketing Automation, Analytics, Productivity, Language...

Overall, this selection provides a gamut of useful apps designed to assist in constructing and managing your marketing website.

7. Comparing SEO Capabilities

Webflow is renowned for its robust built-in SEO features and its design tailored to web design and SEO integration. It offers a more straightforward pathway for implementing SEO best practices. Put simply, if your primary site objective is to attract visitors via search engines like Google, Webflow stands as the preferred choice.

Let's explore some key SEO features provided by Webflow:

  • Built-in SEO Tools: Webflow excels in offering comprehensive built-in SEO tools. These include options for optimizing your website through meta titles, descriptions, alt tags for images, URL customization, and sitemap creation.
  • Clean HTML and CSS: Webflow generates well-structured and semantically meaningful HTML and CSS, a significant advantage for SEO as search engines favor such code structures.
  • Speed and Performance: With a hosting infrastructure geared for rapid loading times, Webflow emphasizes speed, further enhanced by the option to enable Content Delivery Network (CDN) hosting for faster page loading.
  • 301 Redirects: Essential for maintaining SEO rankings during URL changes or content migrations, Webflow supports the setup of 301 redirects.
  • Structured Data and Rich Snippets: Implementing structured data and schema markup via Webflow enhances how your content appears in search engine results, potentially boosting click-through rates.
  • Responsive Design: Webflow's focus on responsive design ensures mobile-friendliness, a crucial factor in Google's search algorithm.

Additionally, a wealth of dedicated content, such as the Webflow SEO guide and technical Webflow SEO guide, focuses specifically on optimizing SEO for Webflow sites. Moreover, specialized services cater to providing SEO solutions for Webflow-hosted sites.


Webflow and Bubble have emerged as leading no-code tools in 2024, each offering distinct advantages for users with different needs and skill sets. While Webflow excels in its visual design capabilities and flexibility, Bubble stands out for its powerful database integration and complex application development.

Both platforms offer valuable solutions for creating web applications without traditional coding knowledge, yet their differences make them suitable for diverse project requirements. As the demand for no-code development continues to rise, it is crucial for businesses and individuals to carefully assess their specific goals and technical preferences before selecting the most suitable tool.

Ultimately, understanding the strengths of Webflow and Bubble will empower users to leverage these platforms effectively and efficiently in their web development endeavors.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: What is the difference between Webflow and Bubble?

A: Webflow is a website builder and web design tool, whereas Bubble is a no-code web app development platform.

Q: What are the key features of Bubble?

A: Bubble offers features for no-code web app development, mobile app creation, and the ability to build a website without writing a single line of code.

Q: How does the pricing of Bubble compare to Webflow?

A: Bubble and Webflow offer different pricing plans for their platforms. The pricing plans depend on the features and usage requirements of the users.

Q: Is Webflow specifically for web design, or does it also support mobile app development?

A: Webflow allows users to design websites and also supports mobile app development through its platform.

Q: What are the differences between Webflow and Wix?

A: While both Webflow and Wix are website builders, they differ in terms of approach, customization options, and integrations offered.

Q: Does Webflow offer any specific integrations with other platforms?

A: Yes, Webflow offers integrations with various platforms to enhance the functionality and features of websites and web apps created using its platform.

Q: How can someone choose between Webflow and Bubble for their project?

A: The choice between Webflow and Bubble depends on the specific requirements of the project and the expertise of the user in using each platform.

Q: What type of support does Webflow provide for its customers?

A: Webflow offers customer support through its knowledge base, community forums, and customer service channels to assist users in utilizing its platform effectively.

Q: What are the top no-code platforms available for web and mobile app development?

A: Besides Webflow and Bubble, there are various other top no-code platforms for web and mobile app development, each offering unique features and capabilities.

Q: How can one compare Webflow and Bubble in terms of their offerings?

A: Users can compare Webflow and Bubble based on factors such as their no-code capabilities, integration options, and suitability for web or mobile app development projects.

Q: What are Webflow and bubble?

A: Webflow and Bubble are both no-code platforms that allow users to create web and mobile applications without writing code.

Q: How does Webflow differ from bubble as a web app builder?

A: Webflow is primarily a website builder and web design platform, whereas Bubble is focused on providing a no-code web and mobile app development platform.

Q: What features does bubble offer compared to Webflow?

A: Bubble offers features for building and launching web and mobile apps without code, while Webflow is more focused on providing a platform for creating visually stunning and responsive websites.

Q: How do the pricing plans of Webflow and bubble compare?

A: The pricing of Webflow and Bubble differs, with Webflow offering various plans for website building and hosting, while Bubble provides subscription plans for creating and launching web and mobile applications.

Q: What are the key differences between Webflow and bubble as no-code platforms?

A: Webflow is a powerful website builder and web design platform, while Bubble is more focused on providing a no-code web and mobile app development environment.

Q: Can Webflow be compared to Wix as a website builder?

A: Yes, Webflow and Wix are both popular website builders, but Webflow stands out for its robust design and customization capabilities targeted towards professional designers and developers.

Q: What integrations are available with Webflow?

A: Webflow offers various integrations with third-party tools and services, allowing users to extend the functionality of their websites and web applications.

Q: How can I choose between Webflow and bubble for my project?

A: The choice between Webflow and Bubble depends on your specific requirements, with Webflow being ideal for visually appealing websites and Bubble for building complex web and mobile applications without code.

Q: What customer support options does Webflow provide?

A: Webflow offers customer support through various channels, including forums, tutorials, and email support, to assist users in building and managing their websites and web applications.

Q: In what ways is Webflow different from WordPress?

A: Webflow and WordPress are both popular platforms for building websites, but Webflow is known for its advanced design capabilities and visual interface, while WordPress is a versatile content management system that requires more technical expertise.

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Altaf Rahman

Product Designer

I'm Altaf, Product Designer At VictorFlow. We’ve created more number of well-crafted Websites, Graphics Designs, and Illustrations by connecting business goals with customers' needs. We're very focused on getting a perfect proposition from the customers on what they and their business actually need.

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